Sunday Worship @ 10am | We Hope To See You There

What is Biblical Counseling?

We believe that biblical counseling centers on Jesus Christ—His sinless life, death on the cross, burial, resurrection, present reign, and promised return. Through the Gospel, God reveals the depths of sin, the scope of suffering, and the breadth, length, height, and depth of grace. Biblical counseling gets to the heart of personal and interpersonal problems by bringing to bear the truth, mercy, and power of Christ’s grace (John 1:14). There is no true restoration of the soul and there are no truly God-honoring relationships without understanding the desperate condition we are in without Christ and apart from experiencing the joy of progressive deliverance from that condition through God’s mercies. The goal of biblical counseling is spiritual, relational, and personal maturity as evidence in desires, thoughts, motives, actions, and emotions that increasingly reflect Jesus (Ephesians 4:17-5:2). 

Vision for Counseling

Our vision for counseling is to help assist people in their health through Biblical world view; using the lens of the Gospel.

Common needs for Counseling

Throughout counseling we are able to help people through a variety of struggles. Although we service a wide variety of needs; there is some more common issues that arise. 

  • Addiction
  • Emotional & Mental Health (ie: anxiety, depression, anger)
  • Marital difficulties
  • Trauma & Loss

No matter what you are struggling through, we believe there is hope found in God's Word. The Bible is sufficient to answer any of life's problems and questions. 

Counselor Referral List

  • Bob Wiersma : Marital Counseling | Bethesda Christian Counseling, Orange City 
    Deon Wynia | Bethesda Christian Counseling, Orange City 
    Jeremy Koerselman | All Things New, Orange City
  • Dayton Vogel & Stan Visser | Creative Living Center, Rock Valley
    Marty Wallace : Play Therapist | Creative Living Center, Rock Valley

  • Stronhold Christian Counseling | Sioux Falls, SD

  • Katie Arkema | Plains Area Mental Health, LeMars
    Martha Hibma : Multi Specialist  | Martha Hibma Counseling, LeMars

  • Seasons Center : Multi Specialist | Seasons Center of NW Iowa
    Spencer, Storm Lake, Sutherland, Carroll, Spirit Lake, Rock Rapids, Sheldon, Sibley, Emmetsburg, Sioux Center, Sioux City